Hope Wang: Step 1: rid the pomelo skin of bitterness

Funny how Hope Wang literally spins yarn as fiber and fiction that become her stuff of loom or legend. So whether weaving textiles into text or vice versa, her work combines both as a means to an end albeit something poetically open-ended from memory and observation.
Places and things come upon which look as before to others now experienced through your own body, self that adds to its history as continuing narrative. A tale written to be read or spoken to be heard from action into image and object seamlessly that leaves traces to give form translating the material as palimpsest. How do you capture the previous moment in the present? What does permanent connote?
Her body of work pays close attention to how these steps work in conjunction often in, or out of, order as artistic process to navigate social fabric as concrete or ephemeral. And what a generous gift it is for the artist to share.